The NAS describes Autism as a “lifelong, developmental disability that affects how a person communicates with and relates to other people, and how they experience the world around them”.
Who is affected by Autism?
Around 700,000 people in the UK are autistic. When you factor in their families, that makes about 2.8 million people, whose lives are touched by the condition every single day. The National Autistic Society has more than 50 years experience and works to help everyone understand Autism, and accept and appreciate autistic people for who they are.
What can you do to help?
This year, World Autism Awareness Week takes place from 2nd-8th April. There are a number of ways you can get involved and help spread awareness:
- Put yourself and your friends on the Autism Understanding Map
- Onesie Wednesday (6th April)
- Night Walks (2nd April)
- Fundraising at work (sponsored silence, guess the baby picture etc)
- Spread the word on social media
If you want more information on getting involved, click the banner below.
What can Embrace-learning do?
At Embrace, we offer an e-learning course “Supporting People with Autism”. The course explains what autism spectrum conditions are and the impact they have. It also identifies how people with the condition differ in the way they make sense of the world. Common difficulties faced by those with autism are identified, along with techniques for helping them to overcome these.
We also have a course titled “Supporting People with Asperger’s Syndrome”. It examines how Asperger’s fits in to the autism spectrum. This course explains how Asperger’s Syndrome affects the way people think and behave.
If you would like more information on any of our online training courses, or are interested in a course demonstration call us today on 0161 928 9987 or visit
Alternatively, you can also resell our courses. You can find out more information on our partnerships page here.
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